GFC withMicroneedling

Growth factor concentrate solution derived from the patient’s own blood is used for skin rejuvenation and treatment of acne scars. Popularly known as Vampire facial , is an advanced skin care treatment that harnesses your body’s own natural power to heal itself.

Growth factor concentrate solution derived from the patient’s own blood is used for skin rejuvenation and treatment of acne scars. Popularly known as Vampire facial , is an advanced skin care treatment that harnesses your body’s own natural power to heal itself.


  1. First, the doctor will clean your skin. They’ll likely also apply a topical numbing cream.
  2. Then, they’ll draw blood (as little as 5ml) from your arm.
  3. The blood will go into a centrifugation machine.
  4. Using a small needle, the PRP will be injected back into the face.

Benefits :Collagen remodeling results in

  1. Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  2. Improvement in acne scars
  3. Tighter, Firmer Skin
  4. Improved Moisture Retention
  5. Enhanced Skin Tone and Texture 
  6. Lasting Results