Hair RegrowthTreatment

Hairloss or Alopecia can be due to a number of causes like nutritional deficiencies, any mental or physical stress, secondary to illness like typhoid, malaria, covidetc (Post covidhairloss)
We, at Dr. Nijhawan’s Skin, Laser & Hair clinic offer one of thebest treatment options for reduced hair density or telogen effluvium. It is known as GFC therapy( Growth factor concentrate) .

GFC or Growth factor concentrate is a very effective treatment for diffuse hairfall or telogen effluvium.
GFC is a modified and much more advanced therapy than PRP technique for hairloss.

In this procedure,patient’s blood is taken in a centrifugation machine at rotated at a very high speed . The final outcome has high:

These growth factors help in increasing the blood supply to the hair follicle and increase the growth of hair and strengthen them.

  • No side effects
  • 4-5 sessions required at an interval of 3-4 weeks.



  • Patient’s blood is withdrawn
  • Patient’s blood is processed at a very high speed in a centrifugation machine, the blood components get separated according to their specific gravity. The growth factors from your platelets are extracted.
  • These growth factors are injected into your scalp.

Dr. Nijhawan's skin, hair regrowth treatment

Patient's Feedbacks:

Rohit Gupta
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“ Its been about 6 months now since I have started the GFC therapy with Dr. Shivi and I have seen a considerable change in my har volume. I would highly recommend to those who want to increase their growth and hair volume”
Manish Gupta
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“I got a very good result from GFC .after just 2 sessions my hair density started increasing and hairfall stopped in just 1 sitting”